Friday, June 17, 2011

Show me the GREEN.

After years of waiting, I finally got to see the Green Lantern movie. I was not disappointed. Was it the best superhero film I have ever seen? Nope. But I had such insanely high expectations for this film! Next to the Flash and Green Arrow -- Green Lantern is my absolute favorite superhero. Nothing would ever match the movie that plays in my head, but director Martin Campbell does come close. Since the film is basically an origin story, it shows a lot of promise in terms of setting up the coming sequels (there certainly will be more to come).

I do stand by my assessment that Ryan Reynolds was born to play Wally West in a Flash film, but man, he makes a fantastic Hal Jordan as well. Reynolds excels at humor and wisecracks. In the latest Entertainment Weekly Reynolds writes a tongue-in-cheek biography and describes himself as a "cocksman" -- couldn't have said it any better. His swagger, attitude, fearlessness, and moments of doubt conveyed everything I think Hal Jordan should be. When he first recites the Green Lantern Oath -- I got chills. He did a fantastic job and I'm psyched for more in years to come.

Mark Strong was an absolutely perfect choice to play Sinestro. *SPOILERS for the non-comic astute* The haughty attitude, the self-righteousness, the hero that is primed for corruption -- he nailed it. (Visually, the widow's peak, the ears, the mustache, the forehead, the crazy pink skin -- Korugarian-perfect!) *MORE SPOILERS!!!!* The scene that plays during the credits with Sinestro donning the yellow ring followed by his GL suit turning that iconic shade of yellow....I cannot wait for the Sinestro Corps War to make it to the screen in the inevitable sequel.

"Eye candy" seems to be the best way to describe the film. The CG and the 3D were done incredibly well. I loved every minute of the effects shots and the action pieces. A few minor nitpicks: Hal's mask could use some tweaking. It looks like it's upside down or the nose is wrong? I can't really put my finger on it, but it could use a little work? The Guardians were a little too...gooey for my liking. Kilowog was a bit too piggish. And Tomar-Re looked like he had scoliosis. But on the whole, the Corps looked fantastic. I was so excited to see Stel and Bzzd -- but like a Star Wars film, they appeared for a second and they were gone. Would I buy their action figures though, heck yeah! (I was Kenner trained.) I do wish there was more time spent with the Corps -- but I'm sure that's what the sequels are for.

And as for the Blake Lively question -- I remember seeing the trailer and groaned at her performance. Well, I have to say she did a great job as well. She looked absolutely gorgeous and handled Carol Ferris pretty well. I do feel she is just a touch too young for the role. I always pictured Carol as more "womanly" and Lively comes across as too girlish -- the role needed just a bit more gravitas. (Besides, I kept thinking about how Serena van der Woodsen wouldn't be caught dead in a flight suit! ... XOXO Gossip Girl....and yes, I did watch the show. I'm not handing over my geekcard though!) ** MAJOR SPOILERS for the non-comic folks** Would Lively have the acting chops (and not be campy) and be able to transition over to Star Sapphire mode in the sequel/ threequel?

Peter Sarsgaard had the unenviable task of growing a giant head to play Hector Hammond. Grotesque and creepy-- Sarsgaard had it down before he even had to put on any of the prosthetics. He is one of the few actors `that can just make your skin crawl with an expression or an off-kilter line reading. He just seemed to be...clammy and oily the entire time he was on screen. Pretty perfect, if you ask me.

As for the supporting cast, Tim Robbins and Angela Bassett were...there. They didn't have much to their characters, but it helped to move the plot along and a nice nod to DCU history (though Frenchie Davis might be a better fit to play Amanda Waller than arms-of-steel-Bassett). Tom Kalamaku was a nice addition and a brief scene of the Jordan family rounded out Hal's back story.

So, does Abin Sur (played by Jango Fett / Clone daddy - Temuera Morrison) do anything other than die? (A long running geek joke...) Not really, but he makes the most of his time on screen. He gets to battle Parallax for a hot minute, travels to Earth, gives Hal the ring, and croaks. He does serve as a good plot device of bringing a piece of Parallax to Earth (comic purists take note -- Parallax isn't the bug we've come to know and fear) and helps to tie Hector Hammond into the cosmic stuff. It would have been nice to get to see more of Abin Sur in action (as we comic nerds have all wondered), but that may be seen in flashbacks in sequels or at least in the Flashpoint comics.

Final thoughts: I loved it. I wanted more more and more. I'm glad that we've gotten the origin story out of the way so the sequels can focus more on the Corps and the outer space stuff (which was the real highlight). Will we see Guy Gardner, John Stewart, or Kyle Rayner in the future (And Mogo MUST make an appearance before the franchise is done)? Who knows? But if the sequels follow in fashion - there may be a recruitment drive needed. Sign me up.

GeekOmnivore SCORE: GREEN is great! 

*images sourced from the Internet. No copyright shall escape my sight!*

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