Ok, I've got the Green Lantern fever.
Truth be told, I've probably had it since I was in kindergarten when my aunt (thanks, Tsai) gave me a stack of DC Comics from the stationery store that she owned back in the 80s. I remember once she brought home a huge stack of comics and digests and I spent weeks flipping through all the multi-color wonder.
Mind you, some of the stuff she brought home was caaaa-razzzy. I'm talking about old reprints of JSA stuff when there were dozens of superheroes jammed into one story, Superman with multi-colored kryptonite that would make his powers go all wonky, and the Flash turning-into-a-marionette type of comics.
But I clearly remember Green Lantern emerging as one of my favorites. If not THE favorite.
It was the magic ring that could turn thought (willpower) into anything imaginable - tank, mountain, trees, lion - you name it. Wow. My little brain was blown. And he had a buddy that was ALSO GREEN. GREEN ARROW! And my favorite color was GREEN. (And even though he was red, the Flash was the third in a three way tie of my faves.) Kindergarten Abe was enthralled by primary colors and heroes in spandex.
Fast forward 30-some-odd-years and a dozen or two long boxes of comics later.... and Green Lantern comics are the best they have every been (ahem, Geoff Johns = genius), a Green Lantern anime/animated film is out on Tuesday, and the Green Lantern movie finally opens June 17th.
Yeah, I think Ryan Reynolds is more Wally West (or even Wade Wilson) than Hal Jordan....but man, I have faith that he's going to do right by the Corps. I'm thrilled.
Anyways, I've amassed a little shrine of green-ness in anticipation. You'll notice the baseball cap, the bank bust, the mug, the mini-book and ring, the mini-figures, and the promo spectrum set (that came with Green Lantern, Blackest Night, and Brightest Day comics).
But my favorite recent piece of merch has to be the NECA Green Lantern Projection Ring.
Pretty cool looking ring, right? Looks like the ring from the movie, huh? It's not gonna create a giant boxing glove for you to whap your annoying neighbor, but it does something pretty cool...
It projects this huge Green Lantern symbol. And it works pretty well.
The ring only fits on my pinkie finger (cause I got fat sausages for digits -- much like Kilowog would have) but I do find myself projecting the symbol on the wall, reciting the oath, and just spacing out every so often. (Man, if I had a dog - I could be driving him nutty with this thing.)
Two more weeks. Oa here we go!
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