Friday, July 22, 2011

Seeing stars...and stripes.

(We interrupt all the Comic-Con memory posts for a quick review.) 

I was lucky enough to get invited to a special early screening (thanks Pete and Doris!) of Captain America: The First Avenger Wednesday night. First off, it was pretty cool that Marvel rented out the ENTIRE theater and had some cool freebies for those in attendance (t-shirts and posters).

I'm more of a recent fan of Cap (meaning I wasn't exactly too big a fan when I was a kid) and especially love what Ed Brubaker and Mark Millar have done in the past few years. Therefore, I'm more receptive to change and don't hold things as canon as much as I might with other screen adaptions. I did go into the movie hoping that it would really be the beginning of the obvious and overt seeds for the Avengers movie coming out next year. And boy, did the film deliver on that.


Right off the bat we know that the film ties in with Asgard -- as the "Tesseract" (really a retcon of the Cosmic Cube) is a mystical, powerful object of Odin's that is in the hands of the Red Skull (tying Thor and Cap in Marvel movie mythology). The Red Skull did seem like a bit of a combination of the traditional Skull with a lot of Baron Strucker tossed in (as in making the Skull the leader of Hydra/ Hydra now as a special section of the SS). Hugo Weaving did an amazing job and had the right amount of menace. (Though he sounds like he is doing an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression with the accent.) The Skull make-up effects are pretty on the mark. Looks amazing! Toby Jones also does his best as Arnim Zola (there is a nice little Easter Egg with a video screen and Zola's face -- Marvel nerds know what I mean). Tommy Lee Jones (in full "army guy mode") and Stanley Tucci (as Dr. Erskine) also have some great moments in the film as well.

Now, we get to the best parts of the movie: Steve Rogers' origin story. Now, it's pretty much ancient history that Chris Evans was PERFECT as Johnny Storm in the FF Movies. His wise-cracking, lady-loving, frat boy ways = FLAME ON!  (Not to mention that he has played other comic characters in the Losers and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World) But, man -- does he do a good job as Cap. The first half of the film where a skinny, ill Steve Rogers tries all he can to enlist and serve his country -- this is where we see the heart and soul of Cap. The CGI that turned Chris Evans from leading man good looks to wimpy weakling are some of the best effects I have seen in a comic book movie. I was thoroughly convinced that it was Chris Evans and not face-replacement CGI. Stunning.

There were audible "awwwww!" moments from the ladies in the audience, but it wasn't all "poor Steve" -- he kicks major ass after he bulks up to Cap proportions. And unfortunately, the movie gets a bit more formulaic once Cap is in full action -- but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing! You've got the heart in the first hour, the second hour is about the brawn. Cap is the ultimate soldier in every aspect and represents the best of America -- on the inside and out.

(One of my favorite parts: The tongue-in-cheek propaganda machine that Cap becomes lets us see the famous "Cap punching Hitler" icon image and comic cover come to life.)

The heroine of the film is Peggy Carter (played by Hayley Atwell, who does a serviceable job) who definitely has some "tough broad" moments, but more interesting is if she may return in the Avengers as Sharon Carter -- Peggy's niece and in a twist of time and fate -- Steve's true love in the present day.

The breakout star -- as the media has been eager to crown -- is Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark. I may have to agree. His swagger and charm really worked for the character (but I don't know if he ages to look like John Slattery -- who plays Howard Stark in Iron Man 2) and he's got serious screen presence. Again, this ties Cap and Iron Man in the film mythology.

Stark has his hand in the development of the Super Soldier serum that transforms Cap, (the serum may be similar to what creates the Abomination in the most recent Hulk movie), and also creates his shield (which was famously seen in the Iron Man films), there is also an indication that the Tesseract/Cosmic Cube plays a part in repulsor energy stuff as well. We see Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury again and as already reported, the end of the film includes the first Avengers trailer.

So, what could the Avengers fill be about? We know Loki is in it. But is the Red Skull? Hmmm...could be. Will the Hulk be a hero or villain? Will there be other Marvel villains revealed? Thanos and Skrulls have been rumored. Ant-Man/Giant Man, Wasp, and other Avengers have yet to be cast (and may or may not be in the film after all).May 2012 seems so far away....

In the end, I loved Captain America. It is a great film in its own right (and ranks up there with some of the better comic book movies) and does a ton to sew the seeds of the Marvel Universe on film. Chris Evans has so much heart and it shows. I'm glad that the Marvel folks took a chance and more importantly -- the fans gave him a shot. And yes, there is a bit of concern that the film might not work in foreign markets because of the whole "America" thing -- but whatever. Go see it. To quote the modern geniuses Stone and Parker: America, F*** YEAH!

GeekOmnivore score: USA! USA! All the way!

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