I have yet to write about anime (one of my great loves) and video games (love--but unfortunately, can't play at a really proficient level) -- but rest assured, I will get to those.
What I'm saying is -- where do I draw the proverbial line and say "NO, NOT THIS!"
Whether these are a product because of lack of time or lack of interest -- I cannot call myself a fanboy/geeklover of any of the below (though, I reserve my right to change):
- I used to pride myself on not becoming a Trekkie/Trekker (whatever is the PC term) and yet -- I do love the movies and would be interested in watching the original Star Trek series and TNG.
- I have yet to see any of the new Doctor Who episodes, though I have seen some Tom Baker ones when I was a kid and was terrified of the Daleks. Will likely start watching sooner than later.
- Somewhat fascinated by the whole MMA and UFC thing -- but my WWF and WWE love would trump that (eh, it comes and goes, but when it comes down to it I'm still a Hulkamaniac)
- Love the Yankees and Knicks -- but can't watch every. single. game. like ahem...my loved ones. (You know who you are, you two.) And 6th grade Abe will always love the Mets.
- No fantasy sports for me! Meh.
- PC RTS/RPG games-- dabbled, but never got into it.
- Scrabble -- again, meh.
- I can confidently say that I have never played Magic:The Gathering, Warhammer, or Dungeons and Dragons.
- I have no interest in participating in Live Action Role Play (LARPing), Civil War re-enactments, Renaissance Faires (mostly because Asians would look kind of silly in the last two).
- No to cosplay.
Any yays or nays for the list above? What should I try or avoid?
So where do YOU draw your geek line?
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